GP resources
Healthlink & Referral Form
To streamline the referral process and ensure secure and efficient communication, our preferred method for receiving referrals is through Healthlink.
Please use the following Healthlink address for all referrals: gutworks
Alternatively, use our website referral form to request one of the procedures :
- Gastroscopy
- Colonoscopy
- Capsule Endoscopy
The form is available in electronic web format that can be filled out and sent directly through our website. All parties will receive a copy in their email.
Web Form
Dr Vanoo Jayasekeran
MBBS MRCP FRACP PhDI was awarded a PhD in 2010 for my work on facilitating neuroplasticity in swallow recovery in patients following their stroke.
My special interest areas are
Management of complex polyps of the colon (EMR procedure)
Advance internal ultrasound imaging of the pancreas (EUS procedure)
Removing bile duct stones (ERCP procedure)
Investigation of anemia and bleeding from the gut (small bowel capsule endoscopy)